Recruitment In Poland

Recruitment of high-profile professionals in Poland

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Market Capacity

More than 430 thousand IT professionals and 60 000 IT companies in Poland.

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English Proficiency

Poland ranks 16th out of 112 countries in English skills.

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High-quality technical education

The Polish education system is ranked 5th in Europe and 10th in the world.

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TOP 10 IT country in the world

Poland is among the top 10 best countries in the IT sector.

Why recruiting in Poland? ​

In the market since 2014. Recruiting high-quality professionals in the shortest terms possible

Software developers

Software developers

QA engineers


Hardware engineers

Finance & Accounting professionals

Infrastructure engineers

Infrastructure engineers


Marketing & Sales professionals

IT consultants

HR & Recruitment specialists

IT Executives

Project managers

Business analysts

Business analysts

Digital specialists

Digital specialists



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vacancies filled in annually
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offer acceptance rate
0 %
of clients - foreign companies
0 %
of customers make repeated requests


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Poland is one of the leading hubs for IT specialists in Central and Eastern Europe, with a considerable number of skilled professionals in the field. However, hiring the right candidate for your IT company can be a challenging and time-consuming, especially if you are unfamiliar with the local labour market. This is where AboutHR comes in. Here we will discuss how we can assist to solve the main problems associated with hiring IT specialists in Poland.

First of all, AboutHR has extensive networks and connections in the IT industry. Our recruiters have a deep understanding of the market and the skills that IT specialists in Poland possess. This allows us to match the right candidates with the right companies, saving time and effort for both parties.

Another issue that most IT companies face when hiring IT specialists in Poland is language barriers. AboutHR can help to bridge this gap by providing support in both English and Polish. This means that your company can communicate effectively with candidates and avoid any misunderstandings during the hiring process.

AboutHR also has the experience and expertise to handle the complex legal and administrative requirements associated with hiring foreign workers in Poland. This can be a major headache for IT companies and can lead to delays in the hiring process. Our agency can help to navigate these requirements and ensure that everything is in order, so that the hiring process runs smoothly.

One of the biggest problems that your company may face when hiring IT specialists in Poland is a lack of access to a pool of talented candidates. Our IT recruiting agency has a large database of IT professionals and we can provide access to a wide range of candidates with variouskill sets. This makes it easier for IT companies to find the right candidate for the job and reduces the time it takes to fill the position. IT recruiting in Poland can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, your company can make it easier by cooperating with AboutHR. We have the expertise and experience to help you hire the right candidates, navigate legal and administrative requirements, and reduce the cost of hiring IT specialists in Poland. So if you are looking to hire IT specialists in Poland, consider working with AboutHR today!

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